It is better to trust in the Lord than to depend on people. (Psalm 118:8)

When we are in a crisis like today, we are overwhelmed. Our resources are not enough, or we fear that they will not be sufficient. In these times we need to depend on God for everything because the days are evil. We need to depend on Him for our family, work, ministry, and all other areas of our lives. But we all share a common problem. Instead of expecting God to meet our needs, we want people to do it. When people disappoint us, which they always do, we get mad. 

Our human nature is constantly urging us to depend on what we can see, touch, and feel. Our unrealistic expectations of people set us up for failure. If I expect my friend to fill the void in my heart only God can fill, she’s going to fail. I have had a few untrustworthy friends in my life. Some violated my trust by sharing our intimate conversations; some seemed to withdraw when I needed help; and some promised to do something but then for various reasons never followed through. It is rare to find a trustworthy and dependable confidante. Even the most trustworthy person on this planet will break our trust. Part of the human condition is imperfect relationships with others. 

But the truth is, God is whom we are to focus on. We’re not to expect from people. No one on earth is as trustworthy as Him. God is dependable. Just because He doesn’t run the world the way we think He should, doesn’t mean He’s not. He has the bird’s eye view we don’t possess. He knows the beginning, middle, and end of the story. No one else but God is trustworthy to do what He says He will do. Humans will fail, but God never does.

He will keep His promises for it is impossible for Him to lie. We must not walk in fear. And because His promises are unbreakable and dependable, our hope is unshakable! It is a firm foundation of a solid rock to stand on when we know that God is faithful and that we can depend on Him completely!

He is our ever-present help in the time of trouble. He is our must-have friend that sticks closer than a brother. He is unchangeable. He is reliable. He is the creator of the universe. The one who never fails, even when everything else fails. He specializes in reversing the irreversible and doing the impossible. He did it in the past. He is still doing it now and He will continue to do it, from everlasting to everlasting. Is He your dependable God?