My soul finds rest in God alone;
my salvation comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress; I will never be shaken.
(Psalm 62:1-2)

We live in uncertain times. The world is moving rapidly towards globalization. For most of our lives, there are many things that trouble us. We worry about a lot of things. These worries compel us to make unwise, counterproductive, and rush decisions. Some get married and have children at any cost or at all costs. Some become too obsessed with saving their money. We forget to enjoy life and help others. This is one of our primordial fears…insecurity.

The quest for security goes on. While opening our doors wide to the whole world may bring huge benefits, it also brings huge challenges to security. And thus, the quest for it becomes increasingly difficult. Studies reveal that the present trend has increased insecurity especially economic and social insecurity. We all put measures in place to protect our lives, our jobs, our homes, our health, and our finances. We keep all our treasures under lock and key. We buy insurance to cover ourselves against any loss or breach of security.

And so, we ask the question: What is real security? If you think that it is to have a trouble-free life, then you will be disappointed, because that will never happen. If it is all about having a blissful life that is totally free of all trials and troubles, then we can never have it. But God’s Word tells us of a wonderful security that we can have in this life. Although our life is filled with troubles, we can have the greatest security. And this is what we can discover as we look into His Word.

God is our reliable source of security. How good it is to know that God is our safe refuge and fortress who sustains us and refreshes our souls throughout our earthly life. We have not only strength and safety, in Him, we have our salvation. Why? Because He is our deliverer who rescues us out of danger and brings us into full security. Let us not seek after the wrong resources. Some think that money can give them all the security they will ever need. But what money gives is merely an illusion of security. It makes you think that your needs are met, but actually, they are not. Some think that having certain key people as their friends will give them all the security they need. But when a crisis comes, they find that their friends have either left them or are unable to help them at all. If our security is based on our circumstances, in people, in ourselves, in wealth or relationship, our security is fragile. We do not find security in anything but God and God alone. How different things would be, if only they would seek after the only true and reliable source of security. 

Build the right relationship with God for security. Let us not settle for anything less than this. Ask yourself today: Are you truly able to call Him your God? Such boldness belongs to every child of God. If you know deep down in your heart that the LORD is your God, then you too will be fully persuaded that He is able to keep what you have committed to Him. Spend a lot of quality time alone with God, meditate on His Word, and reflect on God’s greatness and goodness to His people.This is the blessed security that comes from building the right relationship with God. There is no security anywhere but God.

God knows we have fears and concerns about our security. He is training us for something better, something that requires us to learn to trust in Him. If God is so powerful, why is it that we are scared? Is God really in control? That is what we ask ourselves, and what God wants us to know, even when we do not see Him at work. It is precisely at those times God is at work in us.